
  • Natalia Lopes Moreno
    Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil
  • Paula Regina Pimentel Winiawer
    Secretaria Municipal de Direitos Humanos e Cidadania, São Paulo, Brasil
  • Mariana Harumi Cruz Tsukamoto
    Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil


Kendō; Martial Arts; Aging; Autonomy


It is common knowledge that aging is part of the natural processes of life, the number of elderly people has grown in the population and has attracted the attention of public health policies. To reach the needs of this public, it is necessary to offer inclusive practices. Possible practices that affect the physical, emotional, mental, psychological and spiritual aspects are the martial arts. Kendō is one of the modern disciplines of budō which consists of the practice of Japanese fencing, based on samurai fighting techniques. The purpose of this essay is to present the main characteristics of Kendō and how its practice can promote active aging. Some gerontological concepts were raised throughout the text such as autonomy, dependence, generativity, life quality, life span, active aging and subjective well-being, and it was possible to observe the relationships between the elderly kendoka and the contributions of this practice to the development process in this life stage.


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How to Cite

Moreno, N. L., Winiawer, P. R. P. ., & Tsukamoto, M. H. C. . (2020). KENDŌ PRACTICE AS A POSSIBILITY FOR PROMOTING ACTIVE AGING. Corpoconsciência, 24(3), 143–155. Retrieved from

