
  • Bruna Saurin Silva bruna.saurin@gmail.com
    Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
  • Mariana Zuaneti Martins marianazuaneti@gmail.com
    Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo




Women, Sport, Equity, Feminist Epistemology


Throughout the 20th century women have been prevented or discouraged from participating in sports, but in recent decades their participation in sports has grown. This growth is due to recent institutional efforts, which, however, have not been accompanied by academic and scientific efforts. We propose, then, to think about the matter of women's sports participation from the viewpoint of feminist studies, aiming to revisit the feminist epistemologies that corroborate for reflection. As a response, we highlight the need to: grant the capacity of girls to agency solutions related to their sports practice; distance ourselves from the discourses that place them as a problem to be solved within sports; promote a diffusion of power, involving, above all, a heterogeneous participation within these spaces; and work from pleasure and autonomy as mechanisms to play.


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How to Cite

Silva, B. S., & Martins, M. Z. (2023). TEACHING SPORT FROM A FEMINIST POINT OF VIEW: TENSIONS FROM FEMINIST EPISTEMOLOGY FOR SPORT PEDAGOGY. Corpoconsciência, 27, e14089. https://doi.org/10.51283/rc.27.e14089

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