
  • Marcelo de Maio Nascimento marcelo.nascimento@univasf.edu.br
    Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco




Gerontology, Old age, Time, Philosophy


This is a bibliographical study, characterized as an essay of the work “The Coming of Age” by the French philosopher Simone de Beauvoir (1908-1986). The aim of the study was to discuss issues related to time, age, old age and aging, in addition to addressing their interrelationships. Beauvoir's technique focused on immersing in the thinking and feeling of older people, highlighting historical elements to broaden understanding of the ways in which the psyche of individuals and society related to old age. Beauvoir characterized modern society as competitive, productive, sexist, valuing the functionality and beauty of bodies, and therefore responsible for the removal of older people from the labor market. This text is an invitation to reflect on the ways we recognize and admit the changes that time has on our bodies and the way we generally treat older people.


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How to Cite

Nascimento, M. de M. (2021). OLD AGE ACCORDING TO SIMONE DE BEAUVOIR: CONSIDERATIONS FOR AN AGING GERONTOLOGY. Corpoconsciência, 25(3), 237–250. https://doi.org/10.51283/rc.v25i3.12055