Revista Corpoconsciência, v. 25, n. 3, suplemento 1, set./ dez., 2021

					View Revista Corpoconsciência, v. 25, n. 3, suplemento 1, set./ dez., 2021



This is the first edition of the International Congress of School Physical Education, a scientific-academic event organized by the Professional Master’s Program in Physical Education in the National Network – hereby ProEF – aiming to gather graduated masters from the first class, the professors who participate of the second class, Primary Education teachers, School Physical Education researchers and other interested parties, for the debate of topics related to the area.

It was structured through Preliminary Events and the Culminating Event. The Preliminary Events consisted in round tables, with the presentation of a graduated from the first class, whose educational product was representative of the theme of Stages, and a lecturer that presented relevant production/experience in the context of School Physical Education, on the same theme. The Stages occurred in the following dates: Stage 01 – 23/07/2021 “ProEF and the Problems of School Physical Education”; Stage 02 – 20/08/2021 “ProEF and School, Physical Education and Planning”; Stage 03 – 01/10/2021 “ProEF and Physical Education Teaching Methodology”; Stage 04 – 29/10/2021 “ProEF and School, Physical Education and Inclusion”.

In the Culminating Event, round tables with two invited professors (from the school and external) and one mediator (core coordinator), about the themes of the research lines of the program (Physical Education in the Preschool Education and Initial Years of the Elementary School, Physical Education in the final years of Elementary School and Physical Education in the High School) and a final conference with international guests and the announcement of the Suraya Darido Award to the best Educational Products presented by the graduated from the program. There were also two periods of paper presentations, being about the educational products, experience reports or researches in the area of School Physical Education.

Therefore, we present to the readers the annals of the International Congress of School Physical Education, which has experience reports presented in the culminating stage!

Good reading!

Published: 2022-02-15
