
  • Ediane Stangherlin Vieira edianestangherlinv@gmail.com
    Faculdade Sogipa
  • Carine Garcia Daniel carinegdaniel@gmail.com
    Universidade Luterana do Brasil
  • Guilherme de Brum gui_de_brum@hotmail.com
    Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
  • Larissa Leonel leonellari@gmail.com
    Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
  • Rodrigo Sudatti Delevatti rsdrodrigo@hotmail.com
    Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina




Chemical Dependence, Physical Activity, Depression, Detainees


The objective was to analyze the effect of combined training on depressive symptoms and physical fitness of drug addicts. Twenty-nine male drug addicts (34.24±7.76 years) were randomly allocated into the combined training group (CTG) and control group (CG). Both groups performed physical fitness tests before and after 12 weeks of intervention. The CTG performed combined training (strength and aerobic) in three weekly sessions, with duration progressing from 30 to 48 minutes and the CG maintained usual activities. The CTG showed an increase in the number of repetitions in the abdominal resistance tests (p<0.001), elbow flexion (p<0.001), sitting and standing up (0.014) and improved aerobic capacity (p=0.015) after the intervention. As for depressive symptoms, the CTG showed lower values ​​than the CG (p=0.015) in the post-intervention period. It is concluded that combined training improves physical fitness and can help reduce depressive symptoms in drug addicts deprived of liberty.


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How to Cite

Vieira , E. S. ., Daniel , C. G. ., Brum, G. de, Leonel, L., & Delevatti, R. S. (2022). EFFECTS OF COMBINED TRAINING ON DEPRESSIVE SYMPTOMS AND PHYSICAL FITNESS IN CHEMICALLY DEPENDENT DETAINEES: A RANDOMIZED CONTROLLED CLINICAL TRIAL. Corpoconsciência, 26(3), 193–208. https://doi.org/10.51283/rc.v26i3.14472




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