
  • Samuel Klippel Prusch
    Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
  • Igor Martins Barbosa
    Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
  • Elisama Josiane Mello dos Santos
    Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos
  • Luiz Fernando Cuozzo Lemos
    Universidade Federal de Santa Maria




Postural Balance, Accidental Fall, Sarcopenia


With aging, many decreases accompany the individual. From a biological point of view, cellular changes cause a general decline in cell homeostasis, in order to generate a lower capacity to respond to physiological stresses, leaving the individual more susceptible to intrinsic and extrinsic disturbances, highlighting changes related to postural control, and the necessary care in order to avoid possible falls in the elderly population. Therefore, the aim of this study was to verify, in the scientific literature, the changes that affect the postural control system due to the aging process. Different databases were used, using the following descriptors: “aging, “postural control”, “sensory systems”. From this, it was observed that for a better maintenance of posture, the central nervous system and sensory systems need to be acting in the best possible way, however, these systems are also harmed over time.


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How to Cite

Prusch, S. K. ., Barbosa, I. M., Santos, E. J. M. dos, & Lemos, L. F. C. . (2021). POSTURAL CONTROL AND AGING. Corpoconsciência, 25(2), 236–251.




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