Cultural marks in deaf children's literature

a look at the tale “Adam and Eve”



We propose to investigate the presence of cultural marks of the deaf community in their literary adaptations. Based on Hutcheon's adaptation theory and Bakhtin's Dialogic Discourse Analysis, we selected as corpus the adaptation for the deaf “Adam and Eve” (2005). As this is a research with a qualitative approach, it seeks to identify and analyze senses, feelings, sensations, perceptions and intentions, that is, a corpus that is not measurable numerically. We propose the analysis of children's adaptation in its multiple languages (graphic, visual), which allow us to observe the presence of cultural marks of the deaf community in the work.

Author Biography

Michelle Duarte da Silva Schlemper, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Assistente em Administração do Departamento de Libras (LSB) da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC). Mestre em Estudos da Tradução. Graduanda em Letras Libras/Licenciatura pela UFSC e graduada em Pedagogia pelo Centro Universitário Leonardo da Vinci (2009). Tem experiência na área de Educação. Desenvolve pesquisas na área de Literatura infantil e Literatura Surda para crianças



How to Cite

Schlemper, M. D. da S. (2022). Cultural marks in deaf children’s literature: a look at the tale “Adam and Eve”. Revista Diálogos, 1(10), 98 –. Retrieved from