Global mindset and global leadership: Exploring the relationship between psychological capital, international experience, and leadership experience


  • Luiz Rodrigo Larson Carstens Filho
    Universidade Federal do Paraná
  • Heloíse Helena Berger Ploszaj
  • Simone Cristina Ramos
  • Acyr Seleme




The competencies of global leadership are increasingly relevant in transnational organizations, requiring development of their leaders.  Among the qualities of a global leader, the global mindset (GM) is expressed in the ability to alter national and business barriers, integrating cultural and market perspectives, independent of the assumptions of a single country, and requiring adaptive skills for all environments and business situations. Being one of the attributes of GM, psychological characteristics consist of passion for diversity, self-confidence, search for the unknown, cross-cultural encounters and reflecting on the individual's ability to thrive in unpredictable and complex environments. This research aimed to analyze the impact of international experiences and previous leadership experience of 58 individuals over their psychological capital. For this, the PCQ-24 instrument was used to quantify the attributes of psychological characteristics: self-efficacy, hope, resilience, and optimism. The main finding was international experience had only little influence. On the other hand, previous experience in leadership roles positively influenced their psychological capital, especially the self-efficacy component. Because of the findings, practical and research recommendations are outlined.


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How to Cite

RODRIGO LARSON CARSTENS FILHO, L.; HELENA BERGER PLOSZAJ, H.; CRISTINA RAMOS, S.; SELEME, A. Global mindset and global leadership: Exploring the relationship between psychological capital, international experience, and leadership experience. Journal Study and Research in Administration, [S. l.], v. 5, n. 2, 2021. DOI: 10.30781/repad.v5i2.12592. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.