
  • Gustavo Kenzo Yokota
    Universidade de São Paulo




Table Tennis, History, Women, Rio de Janeiro


The aim of this work was to structure the past of women's table tennis during the first half of the 20th century, focusing specifically on the city of Rio de Janeiro, which was behind the organization of the first national championships with the participation of women. It is, therefore, a work of a historiographical nature, with a qualitative and exploratory approach with documentary searches in newspapers of the time and discussions guided by the literature relevant to the topic. The newspapers of the time were consulted from the Hemeroteca Digital collection, which searched for the occurrence of keywords related to women's table tennis. Based on the information found, it was expected not only to record the names, clubs and achievements of pioneering players who were not yet part of official records and documents, but also to provoke necessary reflections on events that echo to the present day. It was found, among other things, that women were prevented from competing in official competitions until 1940, and, even when included in these contexts, they had a trajectory marked by neglect, reservations and well-defined limits.


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How to Cite

Yokota, G. K. (2024). THE FIRST STEPS OF WOMEN’S TABLE TENNIS IN THE CITY OF RIO DE JANEIRO (1902-1949). Corpoconsciência, 28, e17176.

