
  • Jonatha Flávio Souza Lemos
    Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso
  • Carlos Alexandre Fett
    Federal University of Mato Grosso
  • Waléria Christiane Rezende Fett
    Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso




Exercise, Functional Training, Physical Fitness, Periodization, Elderly


This study aimed to elaborate and verify the effects of a bodyweight funcional training protocol on strength, balance, flexibility, endurance, agility and motor skills in elderly in two different weekly training volumes, one lower and other higher than the recommended by the American College of Sports Medicine and World Health Organization. Thirty-two elderly were distributed in two training groups (120 and 180 minutes weekly). Every training session consisted of 12 parts that worked out one of six physical capacities. There was improvement (p<0.05) in strength, non-dominant limb one-stance balance, flexibility in upper limbs, endurance, agility and motor skills of the elderly, with no significant difference between groups 120 and 180 (p>0.05). Dominant lower limb balance and lower limbs flexibility were maintained with the proposed protocol. Thereby, the functional training protocol was able to maintain and improve the physical fitness in its participants.


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