
  • Thamires Silva Campos thamirescamposedf@gmail.com
    Secretaria Estadual de Educação de Mato Grosso
  • Raphaella Leticia da Costa e Silva Magalhães raphaellaleticia@gmail.com
    Federação de Atletismo de Mato Grosso
  • Tomires Campos Lopes tomires10@gmail.com
    Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso




Pandemic, Covid-19, Street Runners, Athletics, Isolation


Configuring as one of the disciplines of athletics, street running is a sports phenomenon that was on the rise, but that suffered the severe impact of the shutdown in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic. In this way, the aim of the research was to measure these effects in street runners in the variables training, diet, body weight and sleep. A virtual questionnaire was chosen as the collection instrument and was available on the social networks of sports advisors and brazilian athletics federations, statistically analyzed by the Mann-Whitney comparison test. The results showed that the main variables affected were weight, training, and nutrition. There were changes in the before/after comparison in weight self-perception (p 0.017), attitudes concerning weight (p 0.003), training intensity and number of days of training (p 0.001), material used (p <0.001) and the use of diet (p 0.003). It was evidenced that social isolation caused interferences in sensitive variables of the training of street runners that can modify their performances, therefore, they require interference from the monitoring teams in terms of the orientations of these athletes in their training.


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How to Cite

Campos, T. S., Magalhães, R. L. da C. e S. ., & Lopes, T. C. (2023). EFFECTS OF SOCIAL ISOLATION ON THE BEHAVIORS OF STREET RUNNERS DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. Corpoconsciência, 27, e12980. https://doi.org/10.51283/rc.27.e12980