Traces of orality in a twentieth-century letter from Minas Gerais



We aimed to investigate the presence of words with phonetic changes as orality clues manifested in an autonomous personal twentieth-century letter written in Minas Gerais. The manuscript was transcribed according to the criteria of diplomatic edition (SPINA, 1977), and we proposed the handwritten alphabet to facilitate reading (FACHIN, 2009). Drawing on Marcuschi (2001; 2008), the relationship between orality-writing and textual genre was discussed. Based on Viaro (2011), a survey and analysis of phonetic changes in some words was performed; the most recurrent types: subtraction (syncope and apocope) and transformation (despalatization); thenceforth, we could identify traces of orality in the corpus..


Author Biographies

Soelis Teixeira Mendes, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto

Doctor and Master in Linguistic Studies from UFMG and degree in Letters,
habilitation in Portuguese language and its literatures, from the same University.
Productivity Researcher at CNPq 2. Interested in the following areas of research:
history of the Portuguese language in Minas Gerais: v
ariation and change; historical syntax; study of the lexicon; R
omance philology; historical sociolinguistics; orality and writing.
Associate Professor at DELET/ICHS/UFOP: undergraduate course in Letters and
postgraduate course in Language Studies.

Izadora Lopes, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto

Master's student in Letters - Language Studies, concentration area: 2 - Linguistics, Linguistic Studies, Translation Studies and Cultural Heritage at POSLETRAS - UFOP Degree in Letters: Qualification in Portuguese Language, by the University Federal District of Ouro Preto. Participated in the Scientific Initiation Program, acts as a member of the Research Group/CNPq: NEDi - Nucleus of Diachronic Studies. He is interested in the following areas of research: History of the Portuguese Language in Minas Gerais: Study of the Lexicon; Textual Criticism; Historical Linguistics; Variation and Change; Historical Sociolinguistics

Demartone Botelho, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto

He is a master's student at the Postgraduate Program in Letters at the Federal University of Ouro Preto (UFOP) and a CAPES scholarship holder in this program. He holds a degree in Portuguese Language and Literature from the Federal University of Ceará (UFC). Interested in the following areas: Romance Philology; Historical Linguistics; History of the Portuguese Language; Linguistic Variation; Popular Literature in Verse; Regional Literature; Troubadour Literature.



How to Cite

Mendes, S. T., Lopes, I., & Botelho, D. (2022). THE DENUNCIATION OF AN ANONYMOUS: Traces of orality in a twentieth-century letter from Minas Gerais. Revista Diálogos, 10(3), 95–113. Retrieved from