Ficção fantástica pernambucana no século XXI: "Sombrinha", de Roberto Beltrão



Ficção pernambucana, Literatura fantástica, Roberto Beltrão


In the light of the fantastic, this article will analyze the short story “Sombrinha”, in Na escuridão das brenhas, by the writer Roberto Beltrão. Based on theoretical conditions that credit the aesthetic effectiveness of the fantastic in literature, it was investigated how this narrative category is configured in the author's fiction, linked to the cultural, supernatural and folkloric traditions of Pernambuco. Marked by phantasmagoric mysteries, by the somber ambiences and disturbing effects, in the text there is an illusory normality in everyday life, whose fantastic irruption destabilizes the laws of human rationality. Faced with the experiences lived, in a world fraught with the unknown, it is possible to understand the limits between the natural and the extraordinary.

Author Biography

Ivson Bruno da Silva, Universidade Federal da Paraíba

Doutorando no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras (PPGL) da Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB). Mestre em Letras pelo mesmo programa e instituição. Participa das reuniões do Grupo de Pesquisa Estudos do Insólito: do mito clássico à modernidade, na UFPB. 


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How to Cite

Silva, I. B. da. (2023). Ficção fantástica pernambucana no século XXI: "Sombrinha", de Roberto Beltrão. Revista Diálogos, 11(1), 194–210. Retrieved from



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