Black-Globalization: counter-hegemonic narrative of globalizations and Euro-American universalism.

Uma narrativa contra hegemônica das globalizações e o universalismo euro-americano


  • Arménio Alberto Rodrigues Roda
    Universidade Federal da Bahia
  • Augusto Checue Chaimite
    Universidade Federal da Bahia e Universidade Zambeze


In this article, we seek to present a new counter-hegemonic grammar called black-
balization or black-globalization, which aims to recover the ideas of blackness, pan-
Africanism and black nationalism, to face the current global structure of universalism,
Eurocentrism, neocolonialism and capitalism, which continues to oppress the black
population, which sees They life subhumanized, impoverished, imprisoned, and
imprisoned under the yoke of the dominant global system, based on neocolonial
arrangements. Therefore, black-globalization seeks to see the problems of the black
population like as global, where we identify black people and their culture has been
marginalized and subordinated in several parts of the world. And finally, we reaffirm
the importance of a vision of black solidarity in the global panorama.



How to Cite

Roda, A. A. R., & Chaimite, A. C. . (2022). Black-Globalization: counter-hegemonic narrative of globalizations and Euro-American universalism.: Uma narrativa contra hegemônica das globalizações e o universalismo euro-americano. Revista Diálogos, 1(10), 255–273. Retrieved from