
  • Samara Silva Headley




Construction, branding, equity, fitness, model


The purpose of the study is to analyze branding equity from the perspective of consumers of fitness services, aiming to develop organizational strategies. Studying the subject is important due to the strategic connotation attributed to brands, which are seen as strategic assets that create current value for the organization. Academically, there is a need to deepen knowledge about brand resonance, specifically in the fitness sector, as research in national and international databases did not find studies in the sector. The methodology follows a qualitative, explanatory, inductive approach based on a case study and supported by semi-structured interviews, the findings of which can be used by organizations that find themselves in similar situations. The study contributes to the recognition of the role and value of the brand as an organizational asset and generates opportunities to develop management strategies to enhance the value of the brand. Furthermore, the efforts used emerge as guiding elements for strategic reflection and tactical action in the fitness sector, balancing short and long-term objectives. The results indicate that brand resonance arises from the harmony between brand judgment, sentimental connection, performance, social image, recognition of superior quality and the balance between brand value and functionality


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How to Cite

SILVA HEADLEY, S. BRANDING EQUITY: EVALUATION OF THE FITNESS SERVICE BRAND FROM THE CONSUMER PERSPECTIVE. Journal Study and Research in Administration, [S. l.], v. 8, n. 1, 2024. DOI: 10.30781/repad.v8i1.17107. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.