About the Journal

Peer Review Process

Articles submitted to Repad must be unpublished, have not been partially or completely published in any repository of data on the Internet, except scientific congresses, and may not be under review in any other journal.

Before being submitted to the evaluation process for publication, articles will be evaluated for authenticity and plagiarism, using software such as CopySpider, and if the originality of the paper is not identified, its submission will be rejected and the authors will be suspended for other indefinite submissions. Review of the suspension may be considered at the discretion of the Editorial Board.

The purpose of the review process is to help authors improve their work from constructive feedback prepared by members of the journal's scientific committee.


The evaluation for publication in Repad is divided into two phases. The first is the editors' preliminary assessment of the journal's editorial line and the second is the double blind review. The goal is to carry out the entire evaluation process within three months.

Note: If there are differences in peer review (in double blind review), it will be forwarded to a third reviewer so that the final decision is to accept, reject or request revisions. Authors will have access to all reviews via the journal system (during and after completion of the review process).

Once approved, the article will undergo a spelling and grammar review.

Authors will be notified of the process steps by email via the journal system.

Approved articles will be considered at Repad's agenda preparation meetings.


Our Targets:

a- Desk Review Evaluation Time: up to 10 days of submission;

b- Double Blind Review Evaluation Time: up to 60 days of submission;

c- Time to Publication: up to 120 days of submission (Quarterly).

Note: If there is a need for review by the authors, during the evaluation process, the times indicated by items a, b and c will be adjusted.

Publication Frequency

Repad will be published every four months in electronic format.

Open Access Policy

This journal offers immediate free access to its content, following the principle that making the scientific knowledge available to the public free of charge provides greater worldwide democratization of knowledge.