Escola, Biopoder, Normalização, Higienismo, Michel FoucaultAbstract
The purpose of this text is to reflect on the production of abnormalities from a historical-hermeneutical point of view. Starting from the theoretical framework proposed by Michel Foucault, how the normality-abnormality binomial is seen, whether in a disciplinary or biopolitical way, it serves to produce individuals through knowledge-power relations. In these terms, how the production of abnormalities occurs in Foucault's work is demonstrated. In the second topic, how the discussion about biopower can be used in order to problematize situations and cases that occurred in our continent is shown. It is about relating the production of abnormalities to the development of Hygienism in Latin America. The school is the focal point, where some strategies used in the normalization and production of hygienic bodies are perceived.
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