



Amazônia, valoração de florestas, manejo florestal madeireiro


The objective of this study was to evaluate the phytosociology and timber potential in the southeast of Flona Tapajós, state of Pará. The cluster sampling process was adopted with 36 primary units systematically distributed. These units were composed of four secondary units measuring 20 x 250 m. All trees with DBH > 10 cm were measured, but different size classes and subsamplings were considered. The phytosociological parameters were calculated and the monetary valuation of the forest was carried out following the normative instructions of environmental agencies. The cubic meter of the log placed in the yard was valued considering the price of R$ 380.0 m3. However, 60% was deducted from this amount referring to operating costs, producing a net price of R$ 152.00 m3. The most important species was Pouteria cladantha, but Apuleia leiocarpa, Virola melinonii, Protium paraense, Alexa grandiflora and Manilkara huberi also stood out, mainly due to their tree stock, excellent use in the timber industry and good commercialization. The area presented 126 m3 ha-1 and 13.61 m2 ha-1, of which 54.8 and 41.8%, respectively, were above the minimum harvest diameter. The estimated net profit was R$ 4,047.27 ha-1, demonstrating that the area is suitable for timber forest management.


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2022-11-02 — Updated on 2024-06-11


How to Cite

Gama, J. R. V., Vieira, D. dos S., Melo, L. O., Ribeiro, R. B. da S., Oliveira, M. L. R. de, & Lafetá, B. O. (2024). FITOSSOCIOLOGIA E POTENCIAL MADEIREIRO NO SUDESTE DA FLORESTA NACIONAL DO TAPAJÓS, ESTADO DO PARÁ. Nativa, 10(4), 472–476. (Original work published November 2, 2022)



Engenharia Florestal / Forest Engineering

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