The insufficiency of classical Marxism for the demands of Latin America: Sumak Kawsay, decolonialism and systemic alternatives.





This article aims to contextualize the period of theoretical formulation of Marxism and its intrinsic Eurocentrism, both in its nature and in its historical developments, going through the theory of dependence and attempts to readjust the route in the face of colonial reality based on the Peruvian theorist José Carlos Mariátegui. Furthermore, it criticizes its historical reading and its relations of production due to the coloniality of Power. From this, it discusses the need for systemic alternatives, which seek greater coherence with the reality of the endemic peoples of Abya Yala and in diaspora in Ladina America. Finally, this article focuses on the cosmopolitical proposal of “Good Living” (Sumak Kawsay).

Author Biographies

Gabriel D. Gruber, IEL/UNICAMP

Master in Linguistics from IEL/UNICAMP. Graduated with a degree in Portuguese Literature (2019), English Literature (2020), bachelor's degree in Theology (2020) from UNASP-EC, Postgraduate in English Translation from Unesa. Member of the Research Group on Amerindian Languages (UNICAMP), coordinated by professor Angel H. Corbera Mori. Researcher in the areas of: decoloniality, indigenous languages, ethnosyntax, classical Hebrew literature.

Emanuely Miranda, Labjor/UNICAMP

Master in Scientific and Cultural Dissemination from IEL/UNICAMP. Graduated with a bachelor's degree in Social Communication - Journalism from UNASP-EC. Researcher in the MultiTÃO research group: Prolifer-ar Arts Sub-verting Sciences. Researching along the lines of: ecofeminism, spirituality and decoloniality.

Karolyn Ferraz, UFRJ

Student in Social Work at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. It comprises the research project "Debt system, long waves and fiscal policy in Brazilian dependent capitalism: elements for a history of the public fund and the social issue in Brazil" (Lemarx-TMD/ESS-UFRJ), in addition to the research project and extension "Building anti-racist, anti-sexist and anti-bullying education in the Rio das Pedras community" (LADECORGEN/FE-UFRJ).





Dossiê Cosmopolítica e Etnopolítica na Interseccionalidade do Movimento Indígena