(Dis)continuidad ritualística terapéutica en la migración warao en el norte de Brasil


  • Karla Pamela Reveles Martínez pame.revelesm@gmail.com
    Universidade Federal do Pará




Illness, cure, and death are experienced differently in the places where migration takes people. Through narratives about the therapeutic trajectories of migrant Warao families in the city of Belém, in northern Brazil, this text briefly shows how displacement in Brazil has harmed the elderly, who have not been exempt from illness and death. The social memory of this people in the diaspora is highlighted regarding the origin of diseases and their traditional therapists found in the city: wisiratu and joarotu. The territorial limitation in the continuity of community rituals in the city is problematized, but the role of individualized care in the event of witchcraft and illnesses is highlighted. Finally, the disparity and vulnerability to which these groups in the city continue to be marginalized are questioned.

