Reduction and denasalization in third-person plural verbs in Mazagan Portuguese


  • Elzeny Monteiro Baía Cardoso
    Universidade Federal do Amapá
  • Celeste Maria da Rocha Ribeiro
    Universidade Federal do Amapá


Afro-descendant community;, Reduction and denasalization;, Variation;


This work seeks to highlight the phenomena of reduction and denasalization in final unstressed nasal diphthongs in 3rd person plural verbs in Mazagan Portuguese. The objective is to show how these occurrences develop in the community, in view of the variability of realizations already present in Brazilian Portuguese. Thus, we deal with the concept of reduction and denasalization, from the morphophonological perspective, related to the variable behavior of third-person plural verb agreement ─ they/they speak [ãw] [w], they/they eat [y] [I]. For this, we consider the studies already carried out by Chaves (2016), Mendonça et al (2017), Medeiros et al (2021), Batisti (2000), Silva et al (2012), Bopp da Silva and Schwindt (2009), as well as how we used the theory and variationist methodology of Labov (2018 [1972]) and Weinreich, Lavob and Herzog (2006). For this purpose, we considered the graphematic transcriptions, based on the transcription key of Projeto Vertentes (LUCCHESI, 2010), from clippings of interviews carried out in the Mazagan community. This community, under the eyes of Vidal (2008) and Oliveira (2015), corresponds to the district of Mazagão Velho, in Amapá, an Afro-descendant community that maintains in its tradition a social organization that stands out for its uniqueness, considering the local cultural manifestations. These evidences favor the accomplishment of the sociolinguistic investigation given its geographic, historical and sociocultural representation, since this place constitutes historical-cultural heritage of the state of Amapá.


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How to Cite

Reduction and denasalization in third-person plural verbs in Mazagan Portuguese. (2024). Revista Diálogos, 11(2), 122-142.