



Amazônia, balanço hídrico climatológico, mudanças climáticas, Savana


Climate changes widely reported around the world point to the need to monitor and update the climate in agricultural production regions, such as in the municipality of Boa Vista, Roraima, whose reference climate bases were reported more than 20 years ago. In this sense, we aimed to evaluate trends in climate data for the municipality of Boa Vista, RR, based on historical series from 1961 to 2020, and verify whether the local climate classification has changed. For this, the method of climatological water balance (BHC) by Thornthwaite & Mather was used in two periods (1961-1990 and 1991-2020). After the BHC, the climate classification was performed following the methods of Thornthwaite and Köppen. With this, we confirm, by the two methods evaluated, that the climate of the municipality of Boa Vista has changed. By Thornthwaite's method, the observed change was from C2WAˈaˈ (subhumid, with little water excess in summer) to B1WAˈaˈ (humid, with moderate water excess in summer). By the Köppen method, the climate classification changed from Aw (Tropical Savannah with dry winter) to Am (Wet Tropical).


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How to Cite

Farias Araújo, W., Monteiro Neto, J. L. L., Sander, C., Albuquerque, J. de A. A. de ., de Araújo Viana, T. V. ., & Maffei Valero, M. A. (2024). “B1WAˈaˈ” AND “Am”: THE NEW CLIMATE CLASSIFICATION OF BOA VISTA, RORAIMA. Nativa, 12(2), 236–240. https://doi.org/10.31413/nat.v12i2.16202



Ciências Ambientais / Environmental Sciences