



ecologia florestal, cerrado, unidade de conservação, fisionomias


The Cerrado is a vegetational complex formed by a mosaic composed of woody and herbaceous plants, with diverse physiognomy in response to its high environmental heterogeneity and edaphic characteristic. Based on this understanding, this study aims to show the forest inventory in order to understand the physiognomies and floristic composition that occur in the APA Serra do Gigante (Itapuranga-GO), as well as to analyze the soil as to its physical and chemical characteristics. For these actions a trail was delimited, about 7 km long, and entering its banks randomly, 11 plots were allocated with an extension of 10x10m, and vegetation data were collected. We sampled all woody individuals with Diameter (DB) ≥ 5 cm at 30 cm from the ground in savanna formations and with Diameter at Breast Height (DBH) at 1.30 m in forest formations. We sampled 162 individuals distributed in 55 species, 45 genera and 25 botanical families, being the families Vochysiaceae and Fabaceae the most abundant, with 31 and 25 individuals each, representing 44.58% of the total sample.  The greatest richness was found in the Savanna formation, which had 41 species with a density of 1,477.77 ind.ha-1 while the Forest formation had a richness of 20 species with an estimated density of 1,450 ind.ha-1. Regarding the average diameter and height, it was observed that the Forest formation had an average of 11.11 cm in diameter and 4.95 m in height, while for the Savanna formation the average values were 8.51 cm in diameter and 2.62 m in height. The similarity analysis showed a pattern of floristic homogeneity, especially with regard to the Savannah formation where most of the plots were very close to each other. It is also possible to observe a greater distance between the plots of the forest formation (FE11 and FE5), which are closer to the savannah plots than to each other, raising the need to expand the study area to better understand and conserve this formation. For the soils, two large distinct groups were formed, showing in general the occurrence of heterogeneous soils with textural variation among the groups formed in the similarity analysis.


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How to Cite

Rodrigues Cunha Silva, G. ., do Couto de Miranda, S. ., Simão de Carvalho, P. ., de Souza, J. C. ., Junior Pereira, M. ., & Silva-Neto, C. de M. e. (2023). ESTRUTURA DA VEGETAÇÃO E FITOSSOCIOLOGIA DA ÁREA DE PROTEÇÃO AMBIENTAL - APA SERRA DO GIGANTE DE ITAPURANGA, GOIÁS, BRASIL. Nativa, 11(4), 454–465.



Engenharia Florestal / Forest Engineering

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