



Allium cepa, controle químico, herbicida, tolerância


Knowledge of the selectivity of herbicides is fundamental for recommending of these products for weed control, so the objective of this study was to evaluate the selectivity of clethodim, quizalafop and ioxynil, applied alone or in a mixture in the cultivar EZ5605 of onion. The experiment was carried out in the field, in a randomized block design. The treatments applied in post-emergence were clethodim, quizalofop, ioxynil, clethodim + quizalofop, quizalofop + ioxynil and clethodim + quizalofop + ioxynil, with four pills. we know the phytotoxicity in plants, the height and dry mass of the leaves; and diameter and fresh mass in the bulbs. The herbicides caused symptoms of phytotoxicity in the cultivar, but at 28 days after application they were no longer present. No treatment affected shoot height and dry mass and bulb diameter and fresh mass, no treatment affected the height and dry mass of the aerial part and the diameter and fresh mass of the bulbs, indicating that the cultivar was tolerant to clethodim, quizalofop-p-ethyl, ioxynil alone or in combination mixtures with each other, when applied in post-emergence. It is concluded that the evaluated herbicides and mixtures are selective for the onion cultivar EZ5605.


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How to Cite

Santos, I. F., Simone Zera, F. ., Serpa dos Santos, L., Deleo Rodrigues, A., & Rodrigues, L. A. (2023). SELETIVIDADE DE CLETODIM, QUIZALOFOPE E IOXINILA APLICADOS ISOLADAMENTE OU EM MISTURA NA CEBOLA EZ5605. Nativa, 11(3), 431–436.



Agronomia / Agronomy