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Urban afforestation. Euterpe edulis. Forest Inventory. Geoprocessing


The Atlantic Forest is the most threatened biodiverse hotspot on the planet. Adopting Nature-Based Solutions (NbS) in the management of cities is a strategy to make the lives of 70% of the Braziliam population that live in this biome. The objective of this research is to propose integrated planning in the management of public and private green areas to readjust the afforestation with landscape and ecological corridor in the Residencial Lessa neighborhood, in Pindamonhangaba/SP. The hypothesis is that the planting of wood and native fruits in public areas and the cultivation of the juçara palm (Euterpe edulis) in agroforestry backyards (ABy) are NbS that enhance the formation of an ecological corridor. In this work, we present the result of a sample inventory of afforestation, before and after enrichment planting, and a survey of the ABy area suitable for juçara planting. The enrichment of urban afforestation resulted in an increase in the frequency of native species (16%), reduced fragmentation and increased connectivity between areas of relevant ecological interest. The planting of juçara in ABy is an NbS that improves the conservation of this endangered species, inserts residents in ecological restoration and reinforces food and nutritional security by encouraging the consumption of juçara pulp, rich in antioxidants.


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How to Cite

Devide, A. C. P., & Silva, D. de O. G. . (2022). SOLUTIONS BASED ON NATURE IN THE FORMATION OF ECOLOGICAL CORRIDOR IN URBAN AREA. Nativa, 10(2), 250–258.



Ciências Ambientais / Environmental Sciences

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