



conservação de sementes, morfometria, qualidade fisiológica, substrato, viabilidade


The objective was to analyze the biometric characteristics of fruits and seeds of Cenostigma tocantinum and the physiological quality at different temperatures, substrates and storage times. The length, width and thickness of fruits and seeds were measured and in the germination test the substrates sand, paper and vermiculite were used at temperatures of 20, 25, 30 and 35°C. Subsequently, the seeds were stored in a refrigerator for 0, 30, 60, 90 and 120 days. The fruits had a length of 9.76 cm, width of 2.21 cm, thickness of 0.78 cm and 3 seeds per fruit. While the seeds were 1.49 cm long, 1.34 cm wide and 0.43 cm thick. The substrates sand, paper and vermiculite did not show differences in germination at temperatures 20, 25 and 30 ºC. However, at the temperature of 35°C in the paper substrate, a decrease in germination was observed. During storage, germination remained stable up to 30 days with a reduction up to 120 days of storage. It was concluded that the best substrates for germination of C. tocantinum seeds were vermiculite at 25, 30, 35°C and sand at 35°C. Seeds showed early loss of viability during storage at 120 days.


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2022-06-09 — Updated on 2023-10-06


How to Cite

Silva Araújo, M. E. da, Leal de Negreiros, M. ., & Shibata, M. (2023). BIOMETRIA, QUALIDADE FISIOLÓGICA EM DIFERENTES TEMPERATURAS, SUBSTRATOS E TEMPOS DE ARMAZENAMENTO DE SEMENTES DE PAU PRETO (Cenostigma tocantinum). Nativa, 10(2), 219–224. (Original work published June 9, 2022)



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