Drought as a stressor and its effects on carbon allocation





carbon balance, water deficit, photoassimilates, carbohydrates.


The objective of this review is to raise information on the effects of "drought" on the carbon allocation pattern on vegetables. Because they are sessile organisms, environmental changes are continuously exposed, especially in terms of climate. Among the climatic factors, water is the most important, rainfall variations and poor distribution can cause drought conditions, negatively affecting essential processes such as photosynthesis. With reduced photosynthetic activity, there is also a reduction in CO2 fixation and consequent production of carbohydrates, reflecting lower amounts of C allocated in source tissues for storage, for transport in the form of sugars, for metabolic use, for growth respiration, for defense compounds and exudates. The study of species and the understanding of the effects of drought on the C balance of the plant allows us to predict the responses of the same and the consequences for the functioning of the entire ecosystem, so that it is possible, through technologies, the development of materials tolerant to water deficit, seeking to mitigate the damage caused by water scarcity, aiming to guarantee the productive potential of crops.


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2022-06-03 — Updated on 2023-10-06


How to Cite

Alves Gomes, A., & Carvalho da Silva, A. (2023). Drought as a stressor and its effects on carbon allocation . Nativa, 10(2), 142–153. https://doi.org/10.31413/nativa.v10i2.13078 (Original work published June 3, 2022)



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