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Controle biológico, Milho, Patologia de sementes


Corn (Zea mays L.) is affected by a multitude of diseases, causing great damage and losses in production. Thus, seed treatment is essential to ensure good productivity with higher yields. The objective of the research was to evaluate the effect of Trichoderma harzianum on the sanitary and physiological quality of corn seeds. Maize seeds, originating from the municipalities of Sumé (lot 1), Monteiro (lot 2) and Prata (lot 3) were subjected to ten treatments, consisting of T1 = control (no treatment), T2 = dicarboximide fungicide (24 g. kg-1 of seeds), T3 = 0.50; T4 = 1; T5 = 1.5; T6 = 2; T7 = 2.5; T8 = 3; T9 = 3.5 and T10 = 4 g of T. harzianum. kg-1 of seeds. The seed health test (Blotter test) was carried out in order to evaluate the presence of pathogens and the physiological aspects were determined by seed germination and vigor. The use of T. harzianum, regardless of the concentration applied to corn seeds, was effective in reducing Aspergillus sp.; A. niger; Penicillium sp. and Fusarium sp. T. harzianum did not negatively affect the physiological quality of seeds and provided an increase in germination percentages.


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How to Cite

Bezerra, M. C. L., Gomes, R. dos S. S., Carvalho, T. K. N. ., Rodrigues, R. M., Silva, T. B. M. ., & Ferreira Medeiros, J. G. (2022). REDUÇÃO DE FUNGOS E QUALIDADE FISIOLÓGICA DE SEMENTES DE MILHO INOCULADAS COM Trichoderma harzianum. Nativa, 10(1), 69–73.



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