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Etnobotânica, plantas medicinais, Nacuale-Ancuabe, Cabo Delgado-Moçambique.


The scarcity of information on plant studies commonly used in all Mozambican communities is a fact that makes it difficult to promote Ethnobotany in Mozambique. The few of these studies carried out show more the southern and central regions of the country, in relation to the northern region. The objective of this study was to carry out an Ethnobotanical survey of plants with medicinal power used by the community of Nacuale in the District of Ancuabe. A semi-structured survey was used for this purpose, which included socio-economic characterization of the target community, registration of the most frequent diseases and the main plants used in local medicine. In turn, the plants registered as medicinal, their specimens were collected and identified. The selection of plants most used in medicine was based on CUPc. The Microsoft Excel 2010 tool was used for data analysis and to determine the Shannon-Wiener and Pielou indices. The results show that in these communities the male sex has more knowledge in relation to the female sex and these have few sources of income, the majority of whom are young married people. The most frequent diseases are malaria, headache, stomach ache and rheumatism, treated with the main plants Mangifera indica Well, Afizelia quanzonsis Welw, Moringa oleifera Lam, Carica papaya L, Flacourtia indica (Burm.f.) Merr, Anacardium occidentale L according to CUPc. This survey resulted in 24 families and 21 genera and 52 species, the Fabaceae family being abundant, however the diversity indexes in these communities differ from Miegane to Muela where: Muela had 2.43, Ungura had 3.24 and Miegane had 3.44 of equitability showed uniform distribution in these communities.


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