



Leisure, Adventure, Nature


The Adventure Chain is an online initiative, created by a group of researchers of adventure activities in the field of leisure, which precedes the face-to-face events related to the Brazilian and International Congresses of Adventure Activities, which were postponed due to the isolation measures necessary to contain the current COVID-19 pandemic. This initiative, in interface with the virtual environment, sought to open spaces for the continuation of reflections in the area, minimizing losses and impacts. Thus, this study, of a qualitative nature, aimed to analyze the content expressed in the Adventure Chain, involving adventure activities in the scope of leisure, contributing to the dissemination of knowledge in the area. Data were descriptively analyzed, through Content Analysis and the results indicate the concern with the pedagogical aspects followed by professional training, as topics of greater relevance discussed in the lives.



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How to Cite

WHILE ADVENTURE DOES NOT COME...: CONTRIBUITIONS OF THE ADVENTURE CHAIN LIVES TO THE LEISURE FIELD. (2021). Corpoconsciência, 25(1), 137-153. https://doi.org/10.51283/rc.v25i1.11920