For minor teaching: writings in the production of a place called “teacher”: Writings in the production of a place called “teacher”


  • Mateus Dias Pedrini
    University of Espirito Santo
  • Maria Elizabeth Barros de Barros
    Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo/ Departamento de Psicologia




This article seeks to know the teaching profession as an active process capable of creating ways to understand what happens in the experience of teachers and the inventiveness that goes beyond pre-established contents, pedagogical training or expected curricula. It is about minor teaching happening that, as in the minor literature thought by Deleuze and Guatarri (2003), is political and its value is made in what is pulsating in the forces and tensions of the collective. Like the monstrous insect that Gregor Samsa becomes in Kafka's novel, it is necessary to know this strange being that teachers become when they enter the classroom, this precarious being that takes up space in this minor place occupied by the so-called "teacher. In this way, it is in writing that it is possible to know how teaching is produced, since the impasses can be made, thought, discussed, re-territorialized from this production. The invitation, therefore, is to create beautiful, possible, thinking, and reflective stories from a minor teaching...

Author Biography

Mateus Dias Pedrini, University of Espirito Santo

Psychologist, Master in Institutional Psychology and PhD candidate in Institutional Psychology at UFES

