O cronotopo bakhtiniano e a entextualização na análise do discurso jurídico
Bakhtin's (1981) concept of chronotope, which encompasses relations of intrinsic connectivity between space and time is the focus of this work. Although the author has presented this concept in relation to literary studies, it is essential to consider that the experience of bringing meanings to any area of knowledge and to any narrative situation in which the individual finds herself/himself is given by space-temporal relations. Social life is a sequence of chronotopically defined situations, through which we move continuously, adapting and adjusting our identities and modes of conduct in interactions with one another. According to Blommaert (2018), the chronotope involves history, culture, society and language, and goes beyond the definition of context by presenting a broader structure. Thus, in this article, we address the Bakhtinian theory, the contexts and the legal chronotopes (VALVERDE, 2015), seeking understandings about how interactions through the specific language of this medium are performed by the most diverse interactants who are part of a judicial process, from the defendant, through the Public Prosecutor's Office and a legal representative, to the magistrate who will pronounce a sentence based on his readings on the plot of the judicial proceeding, its translations, entextualizations (BAUMAN E BRIGGS, 1990; BRIGGS 2007; ERLICH, 2015) e retextualizations.
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