Retratation and Correction


DOI of retraction: 10.14583/retraction


Nativa magazine supports and follows the principles and standards recommended by COPE (Committee of Ethics in Publications), an international organization of reference in integrity and ethics in scientific publications. Indeed, the editorial process, selection, and publication criteria follow the rules of conduct and ethics, in accordance with

Nativa magazine is committed to ensuring integrity at all stages of the editorial process, safeguarding those involved. Thus, in cases involving suspicions of misconduct, the journal will undertake an investigation with a view to ensuring a high standard of scientific and ethical rigor, with the aim that all doubts are resolved in the best possible way.

If there is any complaint or observation of misconduct committed by any part of those involved during the editorial process, we will paralyze the said process for due investigation, upon prior notice to all those involved. The evaluation process will only be continued if misconduct is not proven.

In the case of confirmation of misconduct by authors, the article will be withdrawn from the evaluation process, including the possibility of the journal, upon the decision of the editorial board, to refuse to receive future submissions from the author/s. When the misconduct is carried out by one or more of the editors, he/she will be removed from his / her attributions in the journal. And if the misconduct is practiced by an ad hoc reviewer, he will not make new contributions to the journal, and his function as an evaluator will be deactivated.

Nativa magazine is responsible for publishing corrections, clarifications, and retractions, among other clarifications that may be necessary. Therefore, if misconduct is identified after the publication of an article, it may need to be updated with additional data, corrections, retractions, or complete withdrawal.

In order to guarantee our authors and readers an ethical policy consistent with the principles of open science, NATIVA uses CrossMark, a multi-publisher initiative by Crossref, which provides a standard way for readers to locate the current version of updated content.

By applying the CrossMark logo to the metadata and pdf file, NATIVA is committing to maintain the content it publishes and to alert readers of changes when they occur. With one click, you can see if the content has been updated, corrected, or withdrawn, and access valuable additional metadata provided by the member, such as important publication dates (submission, revision, acceptance), authors' ORCID IDs, content type, plagiarism, screening status, and information about funding, licensing, peer review, and research data location.

For Crossmark purposes, there are two categories of updates: minor and major changes. Minor changes include formatting and spelling corrections for which there are no substantive changes that need to alert the reader, so CrossMark status is current. Significant changes affect the work's Crossmark status, so it is considered good practice to post a correction or retraction notice (with its own DOI) and not to place it behind access control. This allows readers to follow the link on the Crossmark button and find more details about the update. Both procedures generate the publication of a new document, classified as erratum or retraction, which records the correction of the error or the reason for the retraction of the article, always referring to the original.

In the case of an erratum, NATIVA keeps the original document and at the end of the text, the correction is recorded referring to the document that published the erratum. When it comes to retractions, the original document is replaced with a message saying that it has been retracted referring to the retraction document.


Research data information and storage

It should be noted that the NATIVA journal encourages its authors to share all data in the manuscript, publishing them, when available and authorized, in full, following the same aforementioned retraction policy, if applicable. In order to guarantee total transparency of the data obtained, Educação & Formação requires that the author/s declare that, for data not made available or deposited in public repositories, these must be available upon request.


OBS: In NATIVA publications, for the time being, no corrections, retractions, or withdrawals have yet been necessary, until December 2022. The CrossMark implementation took place in June 2023.


Problems of scientific misconduct should be directed to the Journal's e-mail (, for action by the Editorial Board.