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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The corresponding author registered in Nativa's SEER system does not have a record with a HOTMAIL login (The system does not send messages to Hotmail users, therefore, the corresponding author must be a user of another e-mail account). This awareness is important, as all responsibility for the procedure rests with the corresponding author and the Editorial Board is exempt from problems linked to lack of communication with users of Hotmail accounts, especially in cases of archiving manuscripts.
  • The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal; otherwise, it should be justified in "Comments to the editor.
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice, or RTF format.
  • URLs and DOI's for references were reported when possible.
  • The text is in simple spaces; use a 10-point Times New Roman font for text and 13-point font for the title (according to TEMPLATE); Use italics instead of subliming (except in URL addresses).
  • Figures and tables are inserted in the text, not at the end of the document as attachments. English titles of figures and tables have been added; The tables and figures are in editable format.
  • The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in the Guidelines for Authors on the About Journal page.
  • In case of submission to a peer-reviewed section (eg articles), the instructions available in Ensuring blind peer review were followed.
  • Manuscripts submitted in English must submit in the submission "Declaration" or "Proof" issued by a company specializing in translation services. The file must be submitted as a supplementary document. Manuscripts that do not present such proof will not be sent for processing. When necessary, the author (s) may contact the Editors, justifying the translation by the native author/co-author of the manuscript language
  • Is there an indication of 3 possible reviewers for the manuscript? Name, institution, email (except Hotmail), and curriculum link.
  • Was the statement of agreement completed and signed (According to the model available on the journal's website) by all the authors indicated in the manuscript? For Brazilians, subscriptions can be made through Gov.Br.
  • Depending on the relevance criterion, the contribution with the most significant advancement of scientific knowledge for the scientific area and with territorial coverage (at least regional in the states) and/or with repeatability (periodicity) of evaluations will be considered for evaluation. Studies involving phytosociological analyzes and/or forest inventories will be considered for publication only when "continued". Studies involving the evaluation of machines/equipment will be considered when there is a repetition of evaluations or harvests. Studies that address agricultural research will only be accepted for publication if they meet at least one of the following criteria: a) experiment with at least 20 plots; b) experimental design with the number of degrees of freedom of the residue equal to or greater than ten; another requirement is that the number of repetitions of the treatments be at least three. Does the manuscript meet the above conditions?
  • Regardless of the field of knowledge, scientific articles describing research results obtained more than 8 years ago will not be accepted for publication. Does the manuscript not fit this condition?

Author Guidelines

The submissions to Nativa Journal occur in a continuous flow and do not present payment fees.

The file for the preparation of the manuscript is to be accessed at the link below:


Special attention to citation and reference.


The manuscripts will be submitted online by OJS system. These rules should tender magazine, which calls for the use of existing standardized standards adopted by the Brazilian Regulatory Standard (NBR) of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT). Will be made available to the authors on the journal website, a template (template) to assist them in adapting to the norms of the manuscript magazine.


Stages of the Submission Process:

STAGE 1: START SUBMISSION Information about - submission language; section of the Magazine in which the manuscript fits; conditions for submission (verification of the journal's rules); copyright statement; Privacy Policy; and editor comments (optional).


2nd STEP OF SUBMISSION: TRANSFER OF THE MANUSCRIPT In this step the file of the submitted article will be transferred, which should not have the names of the authors nor their institutional and electronic addresses. To perform this step, the author must select the “Components” of the article for each file to be transferred (in general, “Article Text”) - select “Send” and choose the file; “Continue” in Metadata and “Finish” in Finalization. In the case of other files linked to the article (and not to the supplementary documents), the author must choose the other “Component” and perform this procedure again. After sending the file (s), the author must click on “Save and Continue”.


In this stage, the supplementary documents are transferred, which must be sent: declaration of agreement of the submission (model below) and the indication of 3 possible reviewers, including full name, institution, e-mail (except Hotmail), links to the curriculum. Furthermore, if the manuscript is in English, a document proving the translation must be sent by a company or specialized person.


Under the terms of the submission agreement, scanned signatures can be inserted, safeguarding the corresponding author, and the due civil and criminal responsibilities, when inappropriate uses of signatures occur. Another option for the agreement term is the insertion of Coauthors' e-mail messages, authorizing the processing in Revista Nativa and its possible publication. Failing to send these files, the submission will be canceled in the system. At no time, that is, during the submission and processing of the article, the corresponding author should allow, in the Publication system, the availability of supplementary documents to the evaluators, in order not to compromise the blind peer evaluation.




To forward supplementary documents, the author must “Send file”, select “This is not a review of an existing file”; in Components of the article, select “Others”. The remaining steps are identical to those of sending the manuscript.


3rd STEP OF SUBMISSION: INCLUSION OF METADATES  At this stage, the following information must be provided: title and summary, in addition to filling in all the indexing information for the article (information on space coverage: local, regional, national, or international; key; knowledge area; funding agency; article references).


In this stage, all authors of the manuscript are also included. To perform this step, the author must click on “Insert CoAuthor” in the List of Coauthors. In the window that opens, the following information must be provided: Name and surname, e-mail, country, ORCID Code in “complementary data”, and correct institutional affiliations); the “Biography Summary” is optional. This process must be carried out for all authors of the manuscript. If it is necessary to change the order of the Coauthors, select “Sort” and drag, as needed; later, click on “Done” to finalize the ordering.


4th STEP OF SUBMISSION: CONFIRMATION In this stage, the submission is completed.

Subsequent to the completion of the submission, changes (inclusion, exclusion, or change of order) in the list of authors will not be accepted. Except in case of death, and with the submission of a new declaration of agreement signed by all the author (s).


Subsequently, there is an indication of the “Next Steps”, with thanks for the submission and an indication that the process has been completed. In this case, the author can also: review the submission; create a new submission or return to your user panel. 


NATIVA is an open access Journal that has adopted the cc-by-nc (Creative Commons - Non-Commercial Use) license. The publication fee payment is only intended to subsidize the journal's operating costs.

The articles ACCEPTED for publication in NATIVA Journal that will compose the regular and special issues, will pay a publication fee of R$ 250.00 (regardless of the number of pages).

The publication fee will be mandatory for all works, regardless of whether the author is editor and/or reviewer of the Journal, or an international author (the final cost will depend on the currency of the country).


For international authors, payment instructions will be forwarded by email to the journal, after acceptance of the article. Authors will receive an email with payment instructions when the article is in the layout editing phase. The deadline for payment of such fees will be up to 10 days after the notification e-mail. In case of nonpayment made within that period, the article will be replaced by another in the diagramming process, and the predictability of its publication in a number that is immediately after will not be guaranteed.


EXEMPTIONS: If the author(s) are unable to pay the publication fee, please contact the Editorial Board (by e-mail: for an analysis of the demand. A document with its own text prepared by the author(s), duly signed by all the author(s), with the reasons for the insertion should be submitted. The Native Journal will not use the publication fee as an impediment to the publication of accepted articles, as it has no commercial purposes.


Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.