About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The "Nativa" is a scientific journal published by the Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (ICAA) of the Federal University of Mato Grosso (UFMT). She has focused on the dissemination of scientific research in the areas of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. The journal aims to publish Original research, Technical notes and Review articles, drawn up in Portuguese, English, or Spanish in the areas of Agriculture, Agricultural Engineering, Forestry, Animal Husbandry, Natural Resources, and Environment.

Considering the classifications of areas and sub-areas of knowledge employed in Brazil by the two main national scientific agencies (CNPQ and CAPES), Revista NATIVA publishes research related to the following areas:

- ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES: Climatology, Meteorology and Micrometeorology; Applied Chemistry; Applied remote sensing; Hydraulics and Hydrology; Sanitary engineering; Environmental Biotechnology and Natural Resources; Bioprospecting of Natural Products; Applied Ecology; Ecosystem Ecology; Nature Conservation.

- AGRONOMY: Agrometeorology; Soil science; Rural extension; Plant health; Phytotechnics; Floriculture and landscaping.

- AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING: Rural buildings and ambiance; Energy in rural areas; Processing of agricultural products; Water and soil engineering; Agricultural machines and implements.

- FORESTRY ENGINEERING: Energy from forest biomass; Forest management; Forestry; Technology and Use of Forest Products; Forestry Techniques and Operations

- ANIMAL HUSBANDRY (ZOOTECHNIA): Ecology of domestic animals and Ethology; Pasture and Forage; Animal production.


Peer Review Process

The articles published in the "Nativa" Journal are submitted through a consulting process through technicians, masters, and Ph.D. ad hoc.

Evaluation Process

1)  Submission and receipt of the manuscript together with the declaration of agreement of the submission and the indication of 3 possible reviewers;

2)  Initial analysis of the merit and scientific relevance of the manuscript;

3)  Peer and blind review of the manuscript (1 or 2 rounds per evaluation);

4) Send the corrected manuscript to the journal;

5)  Manuscript evaluation by Editorial Board;

6) Send the corrected manuscript to the journal;

7) Spelling and grammatical evaluation by Text Editor;

8) Send the corrected manuscript to the journal;

9)  Layout editing;

10)  Publication.



The Nativa Journal started its activities with quarterly published (4 issues a year). Between 2016 and 2021, publications became bimonthly, totaling 6 (six) issues per year, with numbers being published in the periods of January/February (N.1), March/April (N.2), May/June (N. .3), July/August (N.4), September/October (N.5), November/December (N.6). From 2022, with the publication in a continuous flow, the journal will return to quarterly periodicity (4 issues per year), seeking to maintain the same number of articles published per year (up to 120).


Open Access Policy

This journal offers immediate free access to its content, following the principle that making scientific knowledge available to the public free of charge provides greater worldwide democratization of knowledge. The journal is linked to the Brazilian Portal of Publications and Scientific Data in Open Access (oasisbr).

NATIVA is an open access Journal that has adopted the cc-by-nc (Creative Commons - Non-Commercial Use) license. This license allows re-users to distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon the material in any medium or format, for non-commercial purposes only as long as attribution is given to the creator.

The publication fee payment only subsidizes the journal's operating costs.



Privacy Statement

Os nomes e endereços informados nesta revista serão usados exclusivamente para os serviços prestados por esta publicação, não sendo disponibilizados para outras finalidades ou a terceiros.


Copyright Statement

The authors hold unrestricted copyright and must inform the initial publication in this journal, in case of new publication of any work.



Nativa is a scientific periodic wiyh open acess, linked to Federal University of Mato Grosso.

The periodic comprises technicians, masters, and Ph.D. from related areas, with full credibility as editing and reviewing the manuscripts.

Revista Nativa presents digital preservation with the CARINIANA Network (https://portal.issn.org/resource/ISSN/2318-7670).

It was created in 2013 with the aim of publishing papers in Agricultural Sciences and Environment Sciences.