Da harpa cristã ao hip-hop gospel: como a música marca a identidade das Assembleias de Deus no Brasil





This paperwork intends to make a comparison of the cultural changes that went through the Assembléia de Deus church, the largest Pentecostal church in Latin America, with 22 million members in Brazil along with its musical culture, which changed from the Christian harp, traditional hymnal with centuries-old music , whose lyrics refer to suffering, consolation and spiritual concerns, passes through new gospel music from the cultural industry, where the message is of financial victory and reaches hip-hop gospel, where within a minority of the church it denounces social inequalities . with that we will show that the inherent musicality of the Assembly of God reflects the cultural changes that are going on.

Author Biography

Otávio Barduzzi Rodrigues da Costa, UNESP

O autor é sociólogo, filosofo e mestre em filosofia pela UNESP, doutor em ciências da religião pela UMESP, doutorando em ciências sociais UNESP-FCLAr, advogado atuante em direitos humanos formado pela ITE OAB/SP314.525, é professor da faculdades Gran tietê e USC nas áreas de antropologia e filosofia. e-mail: adv.otavio@ymail.com - Currículo lattes: http://lattes.cnpq.br/1237323566665797

