“É lá que o pai enterrou nossos umbigos”: ontologia de território para a população da Comunidade Quilombola Aldeia (SC)


  • Nathália Dothling Reis nathaliadothling@hotmail.com
    Herkenoff & Prates




In this work, I try to explore the local territory conception for the Quilombola Community Aldeia – SC. During my master’s research many narratives and etnographic scenes made me think about the concept of territory. We know that these populations face many difficult situations and in this new government of Bolsonaro they are being more persecuted and having their fundamental rights menaced. These actions are part of the global capital interest in these lands, which is located in what Escobar (2015) calls modern ontology. On the Other hand, we have the traditional people, who express a totally diferente relation with the territory, being located in what the author calls relational ontology. Through the local narratives, I explore the complex relation between quilombola people from Aldeia and the territory. This relation is marked by buried navels and treasures, memories about the Lagoa de Ibiraquera and the elderly people, who are gone, but remains there. 





Dossiê Temático: Retomadas e re-existências indígenas, negras e quilombolas