Between knowledge, culture and musealisation


  • Darlen Priscila Santana Rodrigues
    Universidade Federal de Goiás




The respective study is committed to make references about the musealization of objects of representation of culture in the Cerrado. Thus this study has the greater objective, contemplating the importance of musealization of knowledge and culture in museums. Thus this study will have the method of a bibliographic dialogue with authors of theoretical nature, which with their works, offer a basis for understanding this theme. Besides discussions focused on preservation and appreciation, which is the role of the museum. However the expected results were achieved, given the research done for this study, and they are directed to offer more knowledge about how the clippings of the museum exhibition 'Lavras and Louvores' explain these characteristics of representations about the knowledge and culture. Therefore, it is concluded that this expographic clipping can be seen as a space for the identity expressions of the peoples who inhabited the Cerrado.

