A unidade lexical ponto na perspectiva da teoria das operações predicativas e enunciativas


  • Eduardo Henrique Vieira Santos eduardohenrique@ufpi.edu.br
    Universidade federal do Piauí
  • Andreana Carvalho de Barros Araújo andreana_cba@hotmail.com
    Universidade Federal do Piauí https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4886-8955


Meaning; TOPE; Point mark; Context; Cotexte.


The present work seeks to analyze the construction of meaning of the point mark. We aimed to investigate how the co-text-context relationship contributes to the construction of meaning in this unit, considering the impact of syntactic constructions on the evoked meanings. We will explore the pont mark in groups of utterances, seeking to identify how it behaves, its relationship with the context and the constructed meanings. For the development of the analyzes we will rely on the reflections of Culioli (1985; 1990) and Franckel (2006; 2011), bringing the basic concepts of the Theory of Predicative and Enunciative Operations (TOPE). The methodology used is the theory of observables, exploring the sequences in manipulated paraphrases. Although we have many possibilities for using the ponto mark, we chose to choose some statements whose meanings of the mark are the most recurrent and divided them into groups seeking invariance to organize the analyses. As a result, we found that the ponto unit is very productive and can be used in different situations, engendering different meanings. When they refer to place, the units have an adjectival function. We also realized that the relationship that this mark establishes in the textual medium with verbs or prepositions, for example, influences the construction of meanings and has a strong impact on the mark in question.

Author Biography

Andreana Carvalho de Barros Araújo, Universidade Federal do Piauí

Doutoranda em letras pela Universidade Federal do Piauí. Tem experiência na área de Letras português e francês. Participa do Grupo de Estudos da Teoria das Operações Enunciativas (GETOE), atuando em pesquisas no âmbito da teoria enunciativa de Culioli.


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How to Cite

Vieira Santos, E. H., & de Barros Araújo, A. C. . (2023). A unidade lexical ponto na perspectiva da teoria das operações predicativas e enunciativas. Revista Diálogos, 11(1), 51–64. Retrieved from https://periodicoscientificos.ufmt.br/ojs/index.php/revdia/article/view/14816



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