Valor e significação/sentido: entrelaçamentos e efeitos na teoria saussuriana


  • Camila Pilotto Figueiredo
    Universidade Federal de Pelotas


Valor, significação/sentido, Língua como nomenclatura


This article aims to address the problem of the relationship between value and meaning in saussurean thought. First, the difficulties of delimitation between the two notions will be analyzed. Then, an overview of the notion of value will be carried out, in order to connect it with meaning; it will be argued that there is a relationship of dependence between meaning and value, which leads us to understand them as not being synonymous.  Finally, the importance to distinguish these concepts in order to disconnect the Saussurean theory from the view of language as nomenclature will be highlighted.



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How to Cite

Pilotto Figueiredo, C. (2023). Valor e significação/sentido: entrelaçamentos e efeitos na teoria saussuriana. Revista Diálogos, 11(1), 116–130. Retrieved from



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