A cultura no ensino de português como língua estrangeira por meio de culturemas.


  • Sarah Elizabeth de Menezes Teixeira sarahemt@hotmail.com
    Instituto Federal do Pará


The purpose of this article is to reflect on the use of culturemas in the teaching of culture during Portuguese as a foreign language (PLE) classes. As a methodology, we assume a qualitative work, with bibliographical and documentary research. The relevance of this theme is to promote reflection in PLE teachers on the proposal of teaching culture through culturemas and thus awaken in students a greater interest in learning the language, encouraging the acceptance of differences and the appreciation of the cultures of the language source and meta language.

Keywords: Teaching-learning;Portuguese foreign language;Culture;Culturema.



How to Cite

de Menezes Teixeira, S. E. (2021). A cultura no ensino de português como língua estrangeira por meio de culturemas. Revista Diálogos, 9(3). Retrieved from https://periodicoscientificos.ufmt.br/ojs/index.php/revdia/article/view/13056