



Fungos conidiais sapróbios, Ellisembia sp., requeima foliar de Choanephora, Pichia sp.


Choanephora spp. affects cotton culture, causes leaf wilt in soybean and leaf wilt, floral and stem rot in crotalaria. Due to the difficulty of sporulation of this pathogen in a Potato medium Dextrose Agar (PDA), and aiming to control the disease, this work evaluates five culture media (Sweet Potato+PDA, Potato Carrot Agar, Rice, Oats and PDA) for development and sporulation of the pathogen, and the potential antagonist of Saprobic Conidial Fungi from the Southern Amazon, Bacillus subtilis, Trichoderma asperellum and Pichia sp. in the control of Choanephora spp. in vitro. According to the analyzes, the culture media Sweet Potato+PDA and Potato Carrot Agar showed high rates of mycelial growth and spore production for the crotalaria isolate, and Potato Carrot Agar with higher growth values and spores in the soybean isolate. These, therefore, are the best means for the in vitro development of Choanephora sp. in this study. In the Ellisembia sp., Brachysporiella sp. and Trichoderma asperellum showed greater control of the pathogen in vitro. The treatments Pichia sp. and Pichia sp. + Bacillus subtilis presented an inhibition halo in some repetitions that lasted for 21 days.


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2022-06-03 — Updated on 2023-10-06


How to Cite

Oliveira, G. de S., & Bonaldo, S. M. (2023). MEIOS DE CULTURA PARA CRESCIMENTO E ESPORULAÇÃO DE Choanephora spp. E AVALIAÇÃO DE AGENTES DE CONTROLE BIOLÓGICO IN VITRO. Nativa, 10(2), 197–203. (Original work published June 3, 2022)



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