Afro-Brazilian art and culture in the territory of the Pai Jeremias Spiritist Center
In the process of constructing these images, the technique of abstractionism stands out, evidencing the plasticity, the beauty of the movements executed during the Umbanda tours. The click to capture movement is essential, unique and special, thus generating a unique photographic record of “author”. It is impossible to take other pictures like this.
The research that will be developed by “author” entitled (Re)existing as Afro-Brazilian art and culture in the territory of the Centro Espírita Pai Jeremias also transits in this space that is religious and moves as a space that (re)produces art and culture . The photos and research contribute to this space between Afro-Brazilian culture and art, and produce an intersection of photography and research.
Keywords: photography, umbanda and afro-brazilian culture
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