The (cis)heterosexuality as affective pedagogy.

Notes for thinking about gender in/through education.



heteronormativity, gender, education


This text seeks to encourage critical thinking about what we are doing, especially those of us who are educators, with our training “about” gender in relation to the actions that daily configure a sex-gender experience, both our own and that of others. And this is taking into account that the institutional hierarchy represents a very important difference of degree when it comes to (re)producing discourses around sexual and sex-gender “diversity.” In order to do this, through an evidentiary paradigm, some theoretical axes will be explored around (cis)heterosexuality as a political regime and the affective pedagogies that result from it, as well as the silences that are instituted even within spaces to think about comprehensive sexual education (ESI).



How to Cite

Prado, C. (2024). The (cis)heterosexuality as affective pedagogy.: Notes for thinking about gender in/through education. Revista Geoaraguaia, 14(Especial), 71–89. Retrieved from



Dossiê Sexualidade e Genero