Preparation of the preliminary risk analysis of topographic surveys



Risk assessment, Topography, Workplace safety


Whereas there are no regulatory standards for surveying operations and that topographic surveys carried out in the practical classes of the cartographic engineering and surveying course of the Federal Rural University of Amazonia do not have a Preliminary risk Analysis (APR) for field activities aimed to identify the risks, to elaborate an APR, as well as to evaluate prevention solutions, generate the degree of risk of activities, propose the choice of the correct safety accessories and To reduce the risks involved in the activities. To this end, some classes were monitored to identify the exposure of students and teachers to the risks inherent to the performance of their functions, so as to determine the conception of an APR for topographic survey practices. Thus, it was observed that the majority of the risk agents in the activity have a level of risk 1 and 2 or "despicable" and "minor", however, although difficult to happen, there are risks of Grade 3 and 4 or "moderate" and "serious" that need to have preference in the prevention measures exposed in the APR that was implemented, which allowed to conclude some elementary measures, such as adequate clothing for Assist in protection against sun rays, exposure to heat and insects, continuous hydration, sunscreen, sunglasses with UV protection, use of leggings and repelleents, should have prevalence to reduce risks.



How to Cite

Braga de Souza, M., de Oliveira Foro, L. F., Carneiro Brasil, N. N., de Morais Dias, G. F., & Brasil de Araújo de Miranda, S. (2023). Preparation of the preliminary risk analysis of topographic surveys. Revista Geoaraguaia, 13(2), 1–13. Retrieved from

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