Influência do Boulevard Shopping de Feira de Santana/BA na valorização do solo urbano



The article analyzes the changes that occurred in the Caseb and São João neighborhoods, in the city of Feira de Santana, caused by the installation of Boulevard Shopping, in particular, the aspects and agents that contributed to the land valorization of the area. The methodology was based on a literature review about shopping centers and urban valorization, in addition to documentary and field research and land use mapping. The area underwent changes with the installation of Boulevard Shopping. It was responsible for creating a new dynamic in the surrounding area, triggering the urban valorization and the replacement of residential properties for tertiary use. Valorization brings benefits to hegemonic agents that work in the production of urban space, allied to the State. However, high rental and sale prices limit poor people's access to housing and this is something important to think about in Brazilian medium cities

Author Biographies

Lilian da Mota Silva Cerqueira, UEFS

Graduanda em Licenciatura em Geografia na Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana, bolsista FAPESB E Membro do Grupo de pesquisa Urbanização e Produção de cidades na Bahia.

Geovane Tito da Conceição, UEFS

Licenciado em Geografia pela Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana



How to Cite

Cerqueira, L. da M. S., Santos, J., & Conceição, G. T. da . (2023). Influência do Boulevard Shopping de Feira de Santana/BA na valorização do solo urbano. Revista Geoaraguaia, 13(1), 153–176. Retrieved from