
  • Serkan Ilseven
    Near East University
  • Mert Bastas
    Near East University

Palabras clave:

Karkot Stream, Valleys’ stream, Phytogeography, Vegetation, Cyprus.


Streams in Cyprus embody different climates from their surroundings due to their slopes on different directions, height differences between the streambed and slopes, air stream within a valley, temperature differences caused by sunshine durations depending on sunrise and sunset locations. Distinction in the geomorphological pattern of valleys and associated climate allowed the formation of various plant communities. While the microclimates formed within valleys assure the survival of some different plant species apart from the general vegetation cover, they also cause different physiological development of some plants. Generally, valleys in Cyprus have positive impacts on vegetation. Primarily due to their characteristics to form lower areas, they have mainly a positive impact through their holding humid weather and allow humid winds towards the interior. Valleys also have a major role in the protection of former natural vegetation of Cyprus. Nowadays, with the impact of global warming, the island with higher temperatures as well as aridification, encounters with the changes in climate and natural vegetation and even some plant species disappear. The valleys of Cyprus may become a place to survive and live for such plants while they may cause significant development and growth in size of some plants. Cedars (Cedrus libani brevifolia) in Cedar valley, Troodos, hazelnuts (Corryllus avellana) in Bitsilya valley, gray elms (Ulmus canescens,) Oriental alder (Alnus orientalis)in Diarizos and Stavros   and oriental planes (Platanus orientalis) in Karkot stream and Kamara stream have survived due to the microclimatic conditions of valleys. Therefore, the valleys located both in Troodos and north foothills of the Kyrenia Mountains shed light to the times with more humidity and are the evidence for the future significance of the impacts of valleys on diversification through their vegetation geography.


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Cómo citar

Ilseven, S., & Bastas, M. (2020). TWO EXAMPLES FOR THE IMPACTS OF STREAM VALLEYS IN CYPRUS TO VEGETATION GEOGRAPHY: KARKOT STREAM AND KAMARA STREAM. Revista Geoaraguaia, 10(1), 67–81. Recuperado a partir de


