
  • Keyvan Ahzan keyvan.ahzan@yahoo.com
    Islamic Azad University (IAU), IRAN
  • Nader Kohansal-Ghadimvand nader.kohansal@yahoo.com
    North Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University
  • Seyed Mohsen Aleali aleali.mohsen@gmail.com
    Islamic Azad University
  • Davood Jahani d_jahani@iau-tnb.ac.ir
    Islamic Azad University

Palabras clave:

Formation of Jahrom, Binaloud Field, Persian Gulf, depositional environment, sequence stratigraphy


Jahrom Formation (Middle Paleocene-Eocene) is one of the important reservoirs in the Zagros and Persian Gulf basin. This formation has been formed in the Binaloud field in the Persian Gulf with a total thickness of 660 meters of calcareous and dolomitic stones. In this study, microfacies, depositional environments, diagenetic processes and sequential stratigraphy of Jahrom Formation in Binaloud oilfield were studied. The deposits of Jahrom Formation include the periodicity of crystalline limestone and dolomite, with a discontinuous border below the Asmari Formation and above the Tarbur Formation.By studying the thin sections obtained from the cutting samples of 11 microfacies were identified in 4 facies assemblages, which were placed in a depositional environment of the homoclinic carbonate ramp. According to petrographic studies, the most important diagenetic processes observed in this formation are bioturbation, cementation, dolomitization, dissolution, porosity and fractures. Sequence stratigraphy studies led to the identification of 1 third-type depositional sequence with a first-type sequential boundary for Jahrom Formation deposits.


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Cómo citar

Ahzan, K., Kohansal-Ghadimvand, N., Aleali, S. M., & Jahani, D. (2020). FACIES, DEPOSITIONAL ENVIRONMENT, DIAGENESIS AND SEQUENCE STRATIGRAPHY OF JAHROM FORMATION IN BINALOUD OILFIELD, PERSIAN GULF. Revista Geoaraguaia, 10(1), 7–23. Recuperado a partir de https://periodicoscientificos.ufmt.br/ojs/index.php/geo/article/view/20010101


