
  • Farbod F Faraji
  • Afshin Ashja Ardalan
  • Moosa Kalimi Noghreeian
  • Hamidraza J Jafari


Petrology of Intrusive Population, Urmia-Dokhtar, Jiroft, Iran.


The study area with an area of 55 km2 is located south east of Kerman province and in the area of Jiroft city. This area is structurally and geological division in the Urmia-Dokhtar zone. The Urmia- Dokhtar volcanic belt part of the Alpine-Himalayan is a volcanic belt. Several intrusive bodies are in the east of Jiroft, which is part of Jebalbarez Batolite andigneous actives of JabalBarez area have occurred in four stages. The third magma activity of the region occurred in Oligomiocene and occurred during three phases. its lithological composition includes synogranite and Monzogranite, granodiorite, diorite, quartz monzonite. Quartz, Plagioclase and Potassium feldspar are the major minerals in granites. Biotite, Amphibole, espen, opac minerals are other manufactores of these rocks. Various types of granular, myrmekitic, Graphic and perthite textures are observed in them. Regarding field studies, petrographic, and geochemical studies, granite rocks of meta-aluminum and granitoid components of Iseries are volcanic arc of the continental margin of orogenic region that originate from melting of shell-shaped igneous rocks. granitoid specimens are normalized to the original mantle, chondrite, upper and lower crust. The samples show enrichment LREE and less enrichment of HREE. The composition of the samples in terms of these incompatible elements is similar to the medium composition of the crust. Samples in tectonic environment diagrams are located wothing the VAG range. igneous rocks are associated with the subduction zone neotethys. The magma subtraction in the magmatic room in the first stage leads to the formation of quartz- diorite to granodiorite composition, and in the second phase, with the continuation of magmatic subtraction, the magma composition is more acidified than before and the rocks with granodiorite to granite composition composed. In the third stage, with the continuation of the subtraction process, the composition of magma is highly acidic consists of granite and alkali granite stones.


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How to Cite

Faraji, F. F., Ardalan, A. A., Noghreeian, M. K., & Jafari, H. J. (2019). PETROLOGY AND THE ORIGIN OF THE INTRUSIVE MASSES OF THE EAST OF JIROFT. Revista Geoaraguaia, 9(2). Retrieved from




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