Racism in the hinges of reproductive health in Cuba: a black feminist analysis



Black Feminisms, Reproductive Health, Cuba


In this work I understand black feminisms as territories of praxis and hyphenated epistemologies that provide critical instruments for approaching health as an object of political dispute. It is within this framework that I take the policy of assisted reproduction in Cuba as the object of a black feminist inquiry based on the concept of the matrix of domination. When revisiting the research where I began this analysis, I describe the main characteristics of the matrix of reproductive domination that has as its central axis what I coined as reproductive racism. My main bet is to highlight the importance of a black feminist praxis in the Cuban context, as a political strategy for questioning the colonial legacy present in the scope of reproductive health.



How to Cite

Malfrán, Y. (2024). Racism in the hinges of reproductive health in Cuba: a black feminist analysis. Revista Geoaraguaia, 14(Especial), 139–163. Retrieved from https://periodicoscientificos.ufmt.br/ojs/index.php/geo/article/view/16448



Dossiê Sexualidade e Genero